

吉凶admin2024-01-24 10:16:0026A+A-

As an AI language model, I can provide you with information on the four pillars of Chinese astrology, which are based on the position of the Sun, Moon, planets, and stars at the time of a person's birth. These four pillars are known as the "Four Pillars of Destiny" or "Four Pillars of Destiny," and they are considered to be important in Chinese astrology. The first pillar is the Five Elements Pillar, which includes elements such as wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. Each element has its own characteristics and influences on a person's life. For example, wood is associated with growth and stability, while metal is associated with strength and courage. The second pillar is the Eight Mansions Pillar, which represents eight different areas of life that a person may encounter during their lifetime. These areas include family, wealth, career, health, reputation, friends, enemies, and education. The third pillar is the Five Element Pillar, which includes elements such as wood、fire、earth、water、and metal. Each element has its own characteristics and influences on a person's life. For example, wood is associated with growth and stability, while metal is associated with strength and courage. The fourth pillar is the Twelve Earthly Branches Pillar,which represents twelve different directions in space that a person may encounter during their lifetime. These areas include family、wealth、fortune、health、profession、and education. In addition to these four pillars of destiny,there are also other important concepts in Chinese astrology such as yin-yang(阴阳)and the balance between heaven(天)and earth(地)in a person's life. These concepts help to explain why certain events may occur in a person's life based on their zodiac sign and position in space at the time of birth. Overall,the four pillars of destiny play an important role in Chinese astrology by providing insight into a person's personality traits、destiny、and potential for success or failure in different areas of life. By understanding these concepts,people can gain insight into their own strengths and weaknesses and make informed decisions about their future direction in life.


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